International work

International work
MSI Reproductive Choices in the UK have not only been helping individuals with their reproductive health options in the UK for over 40 years, we are also part of a global organisation working across 37 countries around the world.
MSI Reproductive Choices is a charity with 12,000 team members working in 37 countries to deliver its mission. Starting from one single clinic in London in 1976, the organisation has grown to become one of the world’s largest providers of high quality, affordable contraception and safe abortion services.
Making choice a reality for women around the world
As our name suggests, we are unapologetically pro-choice, and we believe every woman and every girl should have the power to decide and determine the path their life takes.
Our teams with over 10,000 team members are rooted in the communities they serve – from major cities to rural, hard-to-reach villages. By taking services into areas others cannot – or will not – go, we enable more women and girls to make choices that were previously unavailable to them, in turn, improving the lives of individuals, families and communities.

Since 1976, we have delivered sexual and reproductive healthcare services to over 145 million women
We currently see over 28,000 clients daily, and over 32 million women and girls worldwide use a method of contraception provided by us. Last year, our services prevented 13 million unintended pregnancies, 6.5 million unsafe abortions and 34,600 maternal deaths. But our work is far from over.
We know that access to contraception, safe abortion and post-abortion care saves lives. For some, it can mean the ability to complete their education and start a career. For others, it means being able to look after the family they already have. For all, it means the freedom to decide their own future and contribute to a fairer, more equal society.
We will continue to fight for everyone’s right to reproductive choice.
Our commitment to choice
With access to high-quality contraception and safe abortion services, no one would need to risk their life to determine their own future.
By enabling girls to stay in school, supporting women to forge their careers, and better equipping communities to be resilient in the face of global challenges, from COVID-19 to the climate crisis, reproductive choice is foundational to building a better, more sustainable world for all.
As Damaless, a nurse from our Zambia programme, shared: “if you empower a woman or a girl, then you’ve empowered a home, you’ve empowered a country and you’ve empowered the world at large.”

Why we do it
Around the world today there are more than 230 million women who want access to contraception but can’t get it. And over 25 million women each year who have to make the agonising decision to resort to unsafe abortion.
Every minute of every day, 48 women resort to an unsafe abortion. Let that sink in. By the time we go to bed today 69,000 women will have risked their lives with an unsafe procedure and more than 20,000 will have such severe complications they will need to go to the hospital.
It doesn’t have to be this way.