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A client shares her MSI abortion experience

Stories  •  6 December 2022  • 2 min read



“MSI staff offered 0% judgement and 100% support.” 

A client shares her experience of accessing an abortion with MSI.

“I found out I was pregnant unexpectedly when it wasn’t the right time, and after discussing things with my partner, we decided we wanted to have an abortion.” 

We began researching our options, which is when I found MSI. They couldn’t have been more supportive and helpful throughout the whole process. The staff went above and beyond, providing support during and after the process through their counselling.

My abortion experience made me realise just how lucky I am to live in a country that provides me with a choice to decide what happens with my body, and have amazing support throughout a difficult experience. MSI staff offered 0% judgement and 100% support and I couldn’t be more thankful for the experience I had using their abortion services.

Thank you so much to you MSI for helping me and so many other people through this experience.

You can read more abortion stories at this link.

“Thank you so much to you MSI for helping me and so many other people through this experience.”




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