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A client from Bristol shares her surgical abortion story

Stories  •  15 January 2022  • 2 min read



“When I attended the Bristol clinic, every nurse was amazing and made me feel like it wasn’t something to be ashamed of or something to worry about. ” 

A client shares her experience of accessing a surgical abortion at MSI’s Bristol clinic

“I found out I was pregnant at 19 weeks during a hospital visit. I was warned that it would be difficult to get an abortion at this time, however this wasn’t the case.”

As soon as I called MSI, I was completely supported. They did not try to change my mind or shame me for my reasons for having an abortion.

When I attended the Bristol clinic, every nurse was amazing and made me feel like it wasn’t something to be ashamed of or something to worry about. Throughout the whole process the nurses were amazing and told me exactly what was happening. The whole team at MSI made this experience so much easier.

“Throughout the whole process the nurses were amazing and told me exactly what was happening. The whole team at MSI made this experience so much easier.”

JUNE 2022



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