Barrier methods

Barrier methods of contraception
Barrier methods are a form of contraception that work by stopping the sperm from travelling through the vagina to the uterus during sex to prevent the sperm and egg from meeting. These include condoms (internal and external), diaphragms and caps.
Condoms are a type of barrier method, and are the only contraceptive method which protects against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Click the tabs below to learn more about condoms (internal and external).
Learn more about contraception
Visit the pages below to learn more about different methods of contraception (short-acting and long-acting), and to find a useful comparison tool to help you find a contraceptive method that is right for you.

Which method is right for me?
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Short-acting contraception
Short-acting methods include the contraceptive pill, patch and ring.

Long-acting contraception
Long-acting contraceptive methods include the coils, the injection and the implant.