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A client shares the importance of abortion access

Stories  •  14 December 2022  • 2 min read



“I am grateful for the option to be able to choose abortion in my country and, secondly, the support provided by MSI.” 

A client’s experience of accessing an abortion with MSI.

“A pregnancy was not on the cards, but when I was faced with an unwanted pregnancy, the only option for me was to have an abortion.” 

I am a more mature woman with a completed family and a new career in the making. A pregnancy was not on the cards, but when I was faced with an unwanted pregnancy, the only option for me was to have an abortion. I am grateful for the option to be able to choose abortion in my country and, secondly, the support provided by MSI. Women should always have the choice of an abortion available to them, and it saddens me to know that this right does not exist or has been taken away from so many across the world. We must advocate and fight for reproductive rights. 

You can read more abortion stories at this link.

“Women should always have the choice of an abortion available to them.”




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