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Client story: reflecting on my abortion experience

Stories  •  30 March 2023  • 2 min read



“To this day I think I made the right decision. No one was judging me for simply not wanting a third kid, which was great and not what I expected.” 

An MSI client reflects on their abortion experience. 

“It was a tough time, tough to make the decision and tough to go through with it.”

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who works at MSI. I had my abortion in 2012 which was a long time ago, but I still think about that day occasionally.  

Sometimes I feel a little sad, but mostly grateful. It was a tough time, tough to make the decision and tough to go through with it. The nurses were excellent and totally non-judgmental. I had two kids already and simply didn’t want a third.

To this day I think I made the right decision. No one was judging me for simply not wanting a third kid, which was great and not what I expected. I was and am a great mum to two kids and I would have been overwhelmed and an unhappy mum to three kids. The nurses simply understood this and were so supportive. My husband had his vasectomy a month later and we haven’t looked back. 

So much noise and judgmental opinions on abortions of late has led me to leaving this here. No one should be dictating what happens to the body of a woman. Only the woman herself should have the right to choose either way.  
A massive thanks to MSI Choices!  

You can read more abortion stories at this link. 

“To this day I think I made the right decision. No one was judging me for simply not wanting a third kid, which was great and not what I expected.”

MARCH 2023



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